There are many options available in MESH games.
MESH games are awesome for standard tournament formats like single and double elimination. But beyond those, odd numbers of teams can be meshed where perhaps three teams play each other simultaneously and perhaps only one advances! Can't do that in real life. The possibilities are endless.
MESH "teams" don't have to be real teams. A game might MESH all the career video from say Michael Jordan vs LeBron James. Or perhaps you want to MESH each stop in LeBron's career: Cleveland vs Miami vs Cleveland again vs L.A. is completely doable given footage.
MESH games offer a huge opportunity to add live events into the scoring such as free throw contests, trivia, charity donations, and social media contests.
MESH games can implement scoring enhancements such as handicaps as are done in golf.
MESH games can be built in real time and streamed or broadcast live rather than pre-built. They make a great special event productions with opportunities to feature former coaches, players, broadcasters and others.
MESH games can be built for non turn-based sports such as soccer and hockey. The key is developing a reasonable break point for clip construction such as say, five crossings of the midfield line in soccer, or the use of time-based "possessions".
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